Smoothie bowls attract me on every social media platform. Vivid colors, large selection of fruits and vegetables provides a rich intake of fresh foods, vitamins and minerals. I just have to start doing yoga and I will be so trendy and cool (honestly, I really do want to learn how to do yoga, because women who do yoga are outstanding and "bad ass". Yoga is not easy!). I've decided to start with chocolaty and warm variantion of smoothie bowl, so I won't fall on my ass of all antioxidants. What is a smoothie bowl you're asking? It's actually the same thing as smoothie, the difference lies in the fact that a smoothie is completely blended and you drink it. You don't drink a smoothie bowl, you eat it with a spoon, because you add fruit pieces,crunchy stuff (for example Granola, banana chips, coconut chips, chocolate, oatmeal, etc.) to it. It's like smoothie replaced yogurt or milk. Hot chocolate plus smoothie bowl is such a winning combination that I wondered while eating it, if I might have checked into a fancy hotel last night and ordered room service. Royal breakfast for spoiling myself rotten. |
Smuti bovle me mamijo na vseh socialnih omrežjih. Žive barve, pestra izbira sadja in zelenjave zagotavlja bogat vnos svežih plodov, vitaminov in mineralov. Še z jogo se moram začeti ukvarjati pa bom kompletna (kar si iskreno prav želim, ker ženske, ki obvladajo jogo so izjemne in ''bad ass'. Joga ni lahka!). Odločila sem se, da začnem s čokoladno in toplo varianto smuti bovle, da me ne bo takoj vrglo na rit od vseh antioksidantov. Kaj sploh je smuti bovla? To je pravzaprav enaka stvar kot smuti, razlika je v tem, da je smuti popolnoma zblendan in ga spiješ, smuti bovli pa dodamo sadje v kosu, hrustljave stvari (npr. granolo, bananin čips, kokosov čips, čokolado, ovsene kosmiče …) in jo jemo z žlico. Kot, da bi smuti nadomestil jogurt ali mleko. Vroča čokolada plus smuti bovla je tako zmagovalna kombinacija, da sem se med zajtrkom spraševala, če sem mogoče v kakšnem fancy hotelu , kjer sem naročila sobno postrežbo. Kraljevski zajtrk za crkljanje. |
Recipe adapted from: Running with spoons
The Recipe
Ingredients 1 cup (240 ml) unsweetened almond milk 1 Tbsp (16 g) nut butter 2 Tbsp chocolate chips Cavalier 1 Tbsp SugarSweet 1:2 (eritritol & stevia) or maple syrup (or other liquid sweetener) 1/2 cup (40 g) rolled oats 2 Tbsp (10 g) unsweetened cocoa powder 1/2 tsp vanilla extract Directions 1. The night before, add all ingredients (except chocolate chips, if using) to the bowl of your blender and give it a stir to ensure that everything is well combined. Cover and place in fridge for at least 3 hours, preferably overnight. 2. When ready to eat, blend on high until oats are fully broken down and a smooth and creamy consistency is reached. 3. Transfer the smoothie to a small saucepan set over medium heat (adding chocolate chips, if using) and bring to a simmer or boil, depending on how hot you want it. If the smoothie is too thick, add an extra splash of almond milk until desired consistency is reached (it should be thick). 4. When your smoothie reaches your preferred temperature, transfer it to a bowl, garnish with toppings of choice, for example. sliced banana, coconut, peanut butter and chocolate drops. |
Sestavine 240 ml nesladkano mandljevo mleko 1 žlica arašidovo maslo 2 žlici čokoladne solzice Cavalier 1 žlica SugarSweet 1:2 (eritritol in stevija) ali javorjev sirup (ali drugo tekoče sladilo) 40 g ovseni kosmiči 2 žlici nesladkan kakav v prahu 1/2 žličke ekstrakta vanilije Navodila 1. Večer pred pripravo združimo vse sestavine (razen čokolade), dobro premešamo in postavimo v hladilnik (ali vsaj za 3 ure). 2. Naslednji dan vse sestavine zblendamo, da dosežemo kremno konsistenco. 3. Smuti zlijemo v kozico, segrevamo na srednji temperaturi, dodamo čokoladne kapljice, mešamo in segrevamo toliko časa, da postane zmes gosta. Če postane pregosta ji dodamo mandljevo mleko. 4. Ko smuti doseže želeno temperaturo in gostoto, ga zlijemo v bovlo, dodamo dodatke, npr. narezano banano, kokos, arašidovo maslo in čokoladne kapljice. |
Mmm, yum!!! Love this recipe!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for share it with us! *-*
| xoxo Donatella ♥ |
Really nice blog about food recipes and cuisine culture. Keep the good work up.
OdgovoriIzbrišihello neja. i love this bowl pic. very interesting to eat :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat recipe! Looks soooo delicious, I need to try this!!! Thanks for sharing it with us, dear!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI just found out your blog and I love it, so I am your new follower. I would appreciate if you visit me and follow me back. :) My Blog: What's up, Ivy?
Kisses from Croatia and I hope we will stay in touch!
Great recipe.