“Once you have been in an earthquake you know,
even if you survive without a scratch,
that like a stroke in the heart,
it remains in the earth's breast,
horribly potential,
always promising to return,
to hit you again,
with an even more devastating force.”
― Salman Rushdie, The Ground Beneath Her Feet
Earthquake. I don't follow the news, so I didn't know that major earthquakes struck our neighbour Italy. I found out only after we in Slovenia got hit by an earthquake .. because I felt it and I was scared as hell, so I searched the internet if anyone else besides me felt the earthquake! :D | Potres. Novic ne spremljam, zato tudi nisem vedela, da je bil pred kratkim v sosednji Italiji močan potres. Izvedela sem šele potem, ko smo v istem tednu tudi v Sloveniji čutili potres.. ker sem ga sama čutila in me je bilo strah kot hudič, zato sem pobrskala po spletu, če je še kdo čutil potres! :D |
I was scared as hell.
It was something after eight o'clock in the evening. I was working on my computer and I was doing this in silence, which is unusual for me because I always have something buzzing, so I don't feel the emptiness of my apartment. Suddenly an orchid on my desk started to rock and I could hear noise coming from the outside plus it felt like the Earth is made of pudding. Terrific feeling, so horrible! And it wasn't even a major earthquake! If it took place 10 minutes later it's very likely that I would be doing my workout and because of jumping all around and loud music, I probably wouldn't even feel it or hear it. In addition, I live on the 9th floor, which means that you can feel the building rocking back and forth even more intensely.
Ura je bila nekaj po osmi uri zvečer. Nekaj sem delala na računalniku in to sem počela v tišini, kar je zame nenavadno, ker mi vedno nekaj brni in čveka, da ne čutim praznine stanovanja. Kar naenkrat se je začela orhideja na moji pisalni mizi zibati in zunaj je nekaj začelo ropotati in občutek sem imela, da je Zemlja iz pudinga. Grozen občutek, grozen! In niti ni bil hud potres! Če bi se zgodil 10 minut kasneje bi verjetno telovadila in zaradi skakanja in muske ga verjetno sploh ne bi čutila in slišala. Poleg tega živim v 9. nadstropju, kar še bolj poudari zibanje bloka.
Suddenly an orchid on my desk started to rock.
I admit that I was panicking and like some chicken I grabbed a coat, purse, phone and phone charger and I just wanted to run out of the building. My heart pounded and I wasn't capable of clear thinking, I just wanted to run. I was afraid that this is only an initial warning and things will only get worse. I wasn't going to wait, not even for a second in the apartment where I will get buried under bricks :D. Okay, I don't know if this fear is totally nuts, but certainly this possibility existed :D. I think the feeling was even more depressing, because I live alone and then I started to think about the scary part of living alone. Uughh .. yeah, you can't have Christmas everyday! =) |
Priznam, da me je zagrabila panika, da sem kot kura začela nase vleči plašč, pograbila torbico, tel in polnilec in hotela steči ven iz bloka. Srce mi je tako razbijalo, nisem bila sposobna treznega razmišljanja, samo bežati sem hotela. Strah me je bilo, da je to začetno tresenje samo opozorilo in bo samo še hujše in tudi sekunde nisem nameravala čakati v stanovanju, kjer bi me opeke pokopale :D. Okej, ne vem, če je ta strah utemeljen, sigurno je tudi ta možnost obstajala :D. Mislim, da je bil občutek še toliko bolj moreč, ker živim sama in sem začela potem razmišljati o teži tega. Uuhh .. ja, ni vsak dan Božič! =) |
I started to think about the scary part of living alone.
Rhubarb in November? Where did I find it? I found it in June, which is normal: D and this shows that I made this Chia Strawberry Rhubarb Pudding in the Summer. You can skip the rhubarb and replace it with the same amount of strawberries, in this period, of course, with frozen strawberries. In Summer, however, return to this page and try the original recipe =). With love, Neja |
Rabarbara v novembru? Kje sem jo našla? Našla sem jo junija, kot je tudi normalno :D, kar kaže na to, da sem chia puding z jagodami in rabarbaro pripravila že poleti. Rabarbaro lahko mirno spustite in to količino nadomestite z jagodami, v temu obdobju seveda z zmrznjenimi. Poleti pa se vrnite na to stran in poskusite original recept =). Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: Dietitian Debbie
The Recipe
Ingredients (Serves: 2) 2 cups rhubarb stalks (1/3 inch slices) 2 cups quartered strawberries ¼ cup water 2 tablespoons maple syrup 1½ cup almond milk ¼ cup chia seeds ¼ cup shredded unsweetened coconut flakes 1 teaspoon vanilla seeds The Process To make the chia pudding, place milk, chia, coconut, and vanilla in a bowl. Stir well and place in the fridge to set at least 1 hour to overnight. To make compote in a medium saucepan, add the rhubarb, water, and maple syrup. Bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally for ~2 min. As soon as the rhubarb starts to soften, add the strawberries and continue to simmer. Cook about 5-7 minutes until strawberries and rhubarb have softened and a thick sauce forms. Set aside to cool. To serve, spoon half of the chia pudding into 2 separate bowls and top with strawberry rhubarb compote. |
Sestavine (Št. porcij: 2) 250 g stebla rabarbare (narezano na 1 cm velike kose) 250 g razpolovljenih jagod 60 ml vode 2 žlici javorjevega sirupa 360 ml mandljevega mleka (ali drugega, po želji) 40 g chia semen 25 g kokosove moke 1 žlička vanilijevih semen Postopek Za chia puding združite mandljevo mleko, chia semena, kokosovo moko in vanilijeva semena. Dobro premešajte in postavite v hladilnik, za vsaj 1 uro ali čez noč. Za čežano v srednjo veliko ponev stresite rabarbaro, vodo in javorjev sirup. Pustite, da zavre, občasno premešajte ~ 2 min. Takoj, ko se rabarbara začne mehčati, dodajte jagode in še naprej kuhajte. Kuhajte približno 5-7 minut, dokler se jagode in rabarbara ne zmehčajo popolnoma in nastane gosta omaka. Pustite, da se ohladi. Serviranje: v kozarca najprej razdelite chia puding in na vrh dodajte čežano. Dober tek! |
Looks yummy!!
Could I tasted it? :D it seems tasty
OdgovoriIzbrišiPlease follow myblogsite
Delicious!! Happy new year!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAh I love your photos, glad you're ok after that earthquake and oh my gosh this looks delicious I haven't had rhubarb in so so long I definitely miss it
OdgovoriIzbrišiThe Quirky Queer
yum looks so good!
Delicious! I'll to try to make it.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice it seems infuriating to me....I m a new blogger .u can also check out this ...I will follow your future post also
Yea it looks truly scrumptious