sobota, 5. september 2015

Tomato Basil Tart / Slano pecivo s paradižniki in baziliko

“The next morning we experienced our very first
 “full English breakfast,” 
which consisted of tea, orange juice, 
cookies, oatmeal, granola, berries, 
bananas, croissants, grapes, pineapples, 
prunes, yogurt, five kinds of cold cereal,
 eggs, hash browns, back bacon, 
sausage, smoked salmon, tomatoes, 
mushrooms, beans, toast, butter, 
jam, jelly, and honey. 
I don’t know how the British do it.” 

― Jared Brock, A Year of Living Prayerfully: How a Curious Traveler Met the Pope, Walked on Coals, Danced with Rabbis, and Revived His Prayer Life

As I sit here and I write, write, write, ... I have two pots with basil sitting on my window sill and I can reach them with my hands. Every time I water them, that basil scent fills the room. Sometimes I rub basil leaves with my fingers, because I love that nice smell of Summer. At the same time I'm thinking about my dream Summer that I will hopefully experience one day.

My fridge is lately always full of vegetables from our garden. There is always a lot of tomatoes of all varieties in there. My favorite, cherry tomatoes can't be missing. I urgently need these for my favorite salad made of cherry tomatoes, soft avocado, cucumber, tuna and lemon. This year I used first ripe tomatoes for a really good summerly, salty snack, full of tomatoes and basil!

With love, Neja
Ko sedim tukaj in tipkam, tipkam, tipkam… imam na okenski polici in na dosegu rok, dve baziliki. Vedno, kadar ju zalivam, zadiši po 'bazilikino'. Včasih s prsti malo podrgnem po bazilikinih listih, ker mi potem prsti tako lepo dišijo po poletju. Ob tem razmišljam o svojem sanjskem poletju, ki ga bom morda nekoč doživela.

Hladilnik je zadnje teden vedno pol domače zelenjave. Med njo se znajde ogromno domačih paradižnikov, vseh sort. Moj najljubši, češnjev paradižnik me vedno čaka. Nujno ga potrebujem za mojo najljubšo solato iz češnjevih paradižnikov, mehkega avokada, kumare, tune in limone. Letošnje prve paradižnike sem porabila za res dober, poleten, slan prigrizek, poln paradižnikov in bazilike!

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

The Recipe


1 sheet (400 g) puff pastry, thawed
4 tbsp (60g) cream cheese
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tsp Dijon mustard
3 tbsp fresh basil, chopped
1/4 cup (25g) Parmesan cheese, grated
1 cup (100g) Mozzarella cheese, grated
4 medium tomatoes, sliced in about 1/4 inch slices
Freshly ground black pepper

The process

Preheat the oven to 400F ( 200C). Cut the tomatoes into 1/4 “ (6 mm) slices  and place on paper towels to drain for about 15-20 minutes. Cover with paper towels as well.

In a small bowl combine the cream cheese, Dijon mustard, garlic, basil and Parmesan cheese.

On a floured surface roll the puff pastry dough into a rectangle of 12x14 inches (30X35cm). Transfer the dough onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Prick pastry all over with fork but not up to the edges, as you leave about 1 inch as a border.

Spread the cheese mixture on puff pastry on a thin layer. Sprinkle  Mozzarella cheese evenly on top.

Arrange the tomato slices on top.

Bake for about 20 to 25 minutes until the crust is golden, cheese melted and tomatoes cooked.

Sprinkle fresh basil on top and serve warm.


400 g listnatega testa
60 g Philadelphia kremnega sira
1 strok česna, mlet
1 žlica gorčice
pest sveže bazilike, sesekljane
25 g parmezana, naribanega
100 g sira Mozzarella, narezan na rezine
4 srednje veliki paradižniki, narezani na tanke rezine
črni poper


Pečico segrejte na 200C. Narežite paradižnik na tanke rezine in jih položite na papirnate brisače, za približno 15-20 minut. Pokrijte s papirnatimi brisačami, da se bo lahko vpilo čim več tekočine.

V majhni skledi zmešajte kremni sir, gorčico, česen, baziliko in parmezan.

Na pomokani površini razvaljamo listnato testo. Testo položite na pekač s peki papirjem. Testo prepikajte z vilico, na vseh straneh pustite rob (tam ne pikajte).

Testo namažite s sirno mešanico, na vrh položite rezine Mocarele.

Nato položite paradižnikov rezine.

Pecite približno 20 do 25 minut.

Potresite s svežo baziliko in postrezite toplo.


3 komentarji

  1. This tart looks absolutely delicious and easy to make - love puff pastry (shop bought obviously!!). Yummy recipe thanks Sammie.

  2. Such a tasty looking tart with delicious summer flavours!

  3. I found you in the web, this recipe, looks like delicious...I have a little blog ... it's young, come to visit me, I would be happy... ciao :O)


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