sreda, 11. junij 2014

Rhubarb bread / Rabarbarin kruh

’Never rub another man's rhubarb!’
A quote from the first Batman movie in 1989
I love quotes and this one made me laugh =)! Such an innocent vegetable related to this crazy quote! It means something like: never try to hit on a woman who is taken. Well there you have it, a rhubarb’s lesson. Rada imam citate in zgornji me je prav nasmejal =)! Tako nedolžna zelenjava pa tak citat! Pomeni pa nekaj takega kot: nikoli ne osvajaj punce drugega moškega. No pa imate, rabarbarino lekcijo.
Probably not everyone is familiar with rhubarb, for me it will always remain a part of my childhood memories. Permanent presence in the garden, large, like a little bush. Sour, sour, SOUR. Pulled out form the ground by the way, while I stood barefoot in the grass. Washed in the garden with water hose. A cup of white granulated sugar in my hands too. I ate it like this. Sunken in sugar. After every bite I dipped rhubarb in sugar again, so the whole thing was covered with pretty white sugar, that shined like crystals. One day I just overdid it and eat too much of it, so acid from rhubarb burned my taste buds. Little silly girl, walking around without being able to taste anything for a week. Verjamem, da vsi ne poznate rabarbare, pri meni bo vedno ostala del otroških spominov. Stalno prisotna na koncu vrta, velika, kot kakšen grmiček. Kisla, kisla, KISLA. Utrgana mimogrede, medtem, ko sem bosa stala v travi. Oprana z vodo, napeljano na vrt. V rokah skodelica belega kristalnega sladkorja. Tako sem jo jedla. Potunkano v sladkor. Po vsakem ugrizu sem rabarbarino steblo ponovno porinila v sladkor, da je bila cela bela, cela kristalna. Nek dan sem prav pretiravala in je preveč pojedla, toliko, da mi je njena kislina čisto požgala okušalne brbončice. Trapa mala, brez okusa sem en teden okrog skakala. 
It has always been part of our garden, looking like some type of weeds. Mom usually used it for rhubarb compote. I never particularly thought about this, what can be prepared from it. Since I create and breathe this blog, I am more wary of the fruit that each season brings. Since I have this blog, I look forward to every season, because the nature in all seasons is so special, that there is always something new to ripe, something we haven’t tasted for a year .. since last Spring, Summer ..... Vedno je bila del našega vrta, preprosto obstajala je, kot kašen plevel. Mami jo je po navadi uporabila za rabarbarin kompot. Nikoli nisem posebno razmišljala o temu, kaj vse se da pripraviti iz nje. Odkar gojim, ustvarjam in diham ta blog, sem bolj pozorna na plodove, ki jih vsak letni čas prinese. Odkar imam ta blog, se veselim vsakega letnega časa, ker je narava v vsakem letnem času tako posebna, da je vedno kaj novega zrelo, nekaj, kar nismo okusili že eno leto..od zadnje pomladi, poletja…..
Late as always, I’m posting rhubarb recipe that made me melt. Rhubarb grows in the Spring, when we are almost touching the Summer already. It becomes even toxic at the end of June, because the level of oxalic acid in it dangerously increases. It is true that we never particularly cared for our rhubarb, but it still grew every year. THIS year, the bugs destroyed it. Just when I decide, for the first time in my life, to bake something with rhubarb in it, the bugs eat it! I was convinced that you can’t buy it in grocery stores, because it's like a weed anyway. Well, I bought these in the store (no, really?) and I baked such a wonderful bread. I would love to bake it again. Pozna, kot vedno, objavljam rabarbarin recept, ki me je pogrel. Rabarbara zraste spomladi, ko se skoraj že dotikamo poletja. Konec junija postane celo strupena, ker se nivo oksalne kisline v njej nevarno poviša. Res je, da je nikoli nismo prav posebno negovali, a vseeno je vsako leto pognala. LETOS so jo žužki uničili. Ravno, ko se jaz odločim, da bom prvič v življenju nekaj rabarbarinega spekla, je ni! Bila sem prepričana, da se je v trgovini ne da dobiti, ker je to itak kot nekakšen plevel. No, tole sem kupila v trgovini (ne, a res?) in par tednov nazaj spekla tako dober kruh, da bi ga z veseljem še enkrat. 
The more I click on rhubarb recipes, the more I feel the baking pan pinching me. I want to try everything I see! It’s a little bit late, but maybe you can still find rhubarb somewhere. This vegetable, which is used as a fruit, is ideal for pies (especially with strawberries), jams, compotes, ice tea, cocktails, cakes, breads, puddings, sweet sauces .... Bolj kot klikam med rabarbarinimi recepti, bolj me pekač žuli. Vse bi preizkusila! Sicer je že pozno, ampak morda se jo vseeno še da dobiti. Ta zelenjava, ki jo uporabljamo kot sadje, je idealna za pite (še posebno skupaj z jagodami), marmelade, kompote, ledene čaje, koktajle, kolače, kruh, torte, pudinge, sladke omake….
This bread was so good that I ate it without spreading anything on it. It was of course even more tasty if I did add something on it. I had no idea that rhubarb can also be used in bread, but I'm glad I baked this bread. Ta kruh je bil tako dober, da sem ga jedla brez, da bi karkoli namazala nanj. Če pa sem karkoli namazala, je bil pa seveda še toliko boljši. Nisem si predstavljala, da lahko rabarbaro uporabim tudi v kruhu, sem pa vesela, da sem jo. 
Photographing bread took me to the garden, to those times when rhubarb was just weeds... When we built tents with garden sticks with friends from our street... when we spend all day in the woods .... and rode bicycles ... and searching stories in everyday things .. when we were close ... when friendships were simply different, more primal ... ah, I feel something wet in my eyes ....

With love, Neja
Fotografiranje kruha me je odpeljalo na vrt, v tiste čase, ko je bila rabarbara le plevel. ..ko smo s prijatelji iz ulice postavljali šotore iz vrtnih palic …ko smo cele dneve preživeli v gozdu…. Poganjali kolesa… iskali zgodbe v vsakdanjih stvareh..  si bili blizu… ko je bilo prijateljstvo preprosto drugačno, bolj prvinsko…ah, nekaj mokrega čutim v očeh….

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Še 6 ur do konca giveaway-a

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Recipe adapted from: Naturally Ella

The Recipe

Ingredients (for 35cm baking loaf pan)

200g oatmeal
260g whole wheat pastry flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
3 teaspoons cinnamon
100g chopped walnuts
600g rhubarb
140g +2 tablespoons agave syrup
110g melted coconut butter
2 eggs
oatmeal and walnuts to top

The process
1. Peel and cut rhubarb in 1cm pieces. In a medium sauce pot, combine 1 cup rhubarb and 2 tablespoons of agave syrup. Cook over medium-low heat until rhubarb is broke down, 10-15 minutes. Make rhubarb puree.
2. Preheat oven to 350˚and put a baking paper into loaf pan.
3. In a food processor, pulse oats until almost flour. Pour into a large bowl and add wheat flour, spices, baking soda, and walnuts.
4. In a separate bowl, whisk together rhubarb puree, agave syrup, melted coconut butter and two eggs. Combine puree mixture, dry ingredients, and the remaining raw rhubarb. Stir until just combined (don’t over stir!)
5. Pour into prepared pan and sprinkle with oats and nuts. Bake for 50-60 minutes. 
Sestavine (za 35cm pekač)

200g ovsenih kosmičev
260g polnozrnate moke
2 žlički sode bikarbone
3 žličke cimeta
100g sesekljanih orehov
600g rabarbare
140g+2 žlici agavinega sirupa
110g topljenega kokosovega masla
2 jajci
ovseni kosmiči in orehi za povrhu


1. Rabarbaro olupite in narežite na 1cm velike koščke. V srednje veliki posodi/ponvi zmešajte polovico narezane rabarbare in 2 žlici agavinega sirupa. Na srednjem ognju kuhajte rabarbaro 10-15 minut. Naredite pire iz kuhane rabarbare.
2. Pečico segrejte na 180˚C in položite peki papir v pekač.
3. V multipraktiku zmeljite ovsene kosmiče, da dobite ovseno moko. V posodi zmešajte ovseno moko, polnozrnato moko, začimbe, sodo bikarbono in orehe
4. V ločeni posodi zmešajte skupaj rabarbarin pire, agavin sirup, kokosovo maslo (stopljeno) in 2 jajci. Skupaj združite mešanico s suhimi sestavinami in mešanico s pirejem, vmešajte preostale koščke surove rabarbare (ne mešajte preveč).
5. Maso vlijte v pripravljen pekač, po vrhu posujte z ovsenimi kosmiči in orehi. Pecite 50-60 minut. 

4 komentarji

  1. Dear Neja, I have never had rhubarb before. I don't even see it at my local market. I would very much like to try it one of these days though. This loaf sounds healthy and delicious. It is perfect in the morning with tea. Blessings dear, Catherine xo

    1. Never EVER? Oh they must have it somewhere in the US.. I hope not too far away from you=). I hope you find it, because it's such a good ingredient for pies and crumbles. Your comments are always so kind, really I just feel this warmth when I read your words. Maybe it's because of your profile photo. Big smile and calmness. Yup, that's what I see! =)

  2. Čudovit recept in čudovite fotke!


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