The immature lick it clean and throw the rest away;
adults scrape off the top and eat it dry.”
― Bauvard, Some Inspiration for the Overenthusiastic
I must say, that I feel very good. I'm full of ideas, laughter, peace, fire, passions and interests. Something inside of me clicked and I am very focused. I exercise, cook, I write my master thesis, I read good books, I have the kind of conversations that I want to have, I write lists, I create, dream, plan, I listen to the sweet melody, I appreciate nature, I light candles, I drink tea ... I feel at peace. In accordance with all this new found peace I really didn't want to complicate for Valentine's Day. I like to prepare something sweet for Valentine's Day. Last year I made chocolate soufflé. This year I chose a simple way. My Truffles loves cheesecakes, Nutella and Oreo cookies are also okay. In 20 minutes jars were full of sweetness and dishes washed. This recipe was really easy ... and successful. With love, Neja |
Moram reči, da se počutim zelo dobro. Polna sem idej, smeha, miru, zagona, strasti in interesov. V meni se je zgodil klik in vse vidim zelo jasno. Telovadim, kuham, pišem magistrsko, berem dobre knjige, z ljudmi imam takšne pogovore, ki jih želim imeti, pišem sezname, ustvarjam, sanjam, načrtujem, poslušam sladke melodije, cenim naravo, prižigam svečke, pijem čaj,… V meni je mir. V skladu s svežim mirom si res nisem želela komplicirati za Valentinovo. Za Valentinovo rada pripravim nekaj sladkega. Lani je bil to čokoladni sufle. Letos sem ubrala preprosto pot. Moj Tartufi ima rad cheesecakes, Nutello in tudi Oreo piškoti so mu okej. V 20ih minutah so bili kozarci polni sladkobe in posoda pomita. Tale recept je bil res preprost … in uspešen. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe adapted from: My baking addiction
The Recipe
Ingredients (for 6 jars) 20 Oreo cookies 3 tablespoons butter, melted 250 g Nutella 250 ml cream (sweet) 350 g cream cheese Philadelphia 1 teaspoon vanilla Cocoa for garnish The process 1. In a medium bowl, stir together the Oreo cookie crumbs and melted butter. Evenly divide the crumbs between your individual serving dishes and press into the bottoms of the dishes to form a crust layer. 2. In a large bowl, with an electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and Nutella until smooth. Add vanilla and mix to combine. Using a rubber spatula, fold in the whipped topping until well blended and no streaks remain. 3. Evenly pipe or spoon the filling into individual serving dishes. 4. Whip the cream in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment on medium speed until soft peaks form, 2 to 4 minutes. Evenly pipe whipped cream on top. 5. If desired, garnish with cacao. 6. You can refrigerate cheesecakes before serving. |
Sestavine (za 6 kozarcev) 20 Oreo piškotov 3 žlice mehkega masla 250 g Nutelle 250 ml sladke smetane 350 g kremnega sira Philadelphia 1 žlička vanilijevega ekstrakta Kakav za posip Postopek 1. V multipraktiku zdrobite Oreo piškote (do drobtin) in dodajte zmehčano maslo. Drobtine vsujte v kozarce in jih pritisnite. 2. Z električnim mešalnikom stepite kremni namaz Philadelphia, vanilijo in Nutello, do kremnega. 3. Enakomerno nabrizgajte maso v kozarce. 4. Z električnim mešalnikom (ali na roko, če se vam da =) ) stepite smetano in jo prav tako nabrizgajte na vrh prejšnjih dveh slojev. 5. Po želji okrasite s kakavom. 6. Pred serviranjem jih lahko postavite v hladilnik, ni pa nujno. |
Njam! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiKaj misliš z žličko vanilije?
OdgovoriIzbrišiVanilijev ekstrakt. Tekočo vanilijo, ki se jo dobi v vsaki trgovini =)
Izbrišithis looks wonderful I found you via the blog hop today Anything with Nutella is just oh so special!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanx for the recipe!!
Rosemary from
O to pa deluje res dobro!!! Prava kalorična bombica :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiA te srčke zraven na slikah si sama naredila? :)
Looks Marvelous!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove anything with Nutella...and the way you wrote this was wonderful. Thanks for sharing with our Thursday Blog Hop!